Cocoa Brown Leather Desk Pad Blotter Collection with Gold-Plated Brass Accents FREE SHIPPING in the continental United States
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Brown leather memo holder with white stitched trim.
Item # 760-33
Brown leather double pen stand.
Item # 766-33
Brown leather letter rack with white stitched trim.
Item # 764-33
Brown leather 4 x 6 photo frame with easel stand.
Item # 767-33
Brown leather double document tray with gold-plated brass supports.
Item # 798-33
18" x 28" brown leather desk pad with white stitched trim.
Item # 761-33
Brown leather letter opener with gold-plated brass blade.
Item # 759-33
Brown leather folding alarm clock.
Item # 765-33
Brown leather business card holder with stitched trim.
Item # 762-33
Brown leather pencil cup with white stitched trim.
Item # 768-33